About Us
Tasmanian Medical Innovations is a company focused on developing innovative medical technologies which enable healthcare professionals to provide better patient care, thus improving patient outcomes. Our multi-disciplinary team with diverse industry experiences develop real-world solutions which are applicable and implementable on a global scale.
Our Team

Cameron leads the day to day corporate operations and relations. He is currently a Plastics and Reconstructive surgeon in Tasmania, and has successfully developed a US patented device as a Fullbright scholar at Harvard Medical School.
MBBS-MedSc, FRACS (Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery)
Dr Cameron Keating

Kathleen leads project management and company strategy. She has background experiences in Plastic surgery and is a NHMRC postgraduate scholar studying apnoea in preterm infants. Kathleen is a frequent presenter for TMI and develops our communication materials.
MBBS, B.Med.Res. (Hons, 1st class)
Dr Kathleen Lim
Prof Peter Dargaville
CMO (Medical)

Peter leads the clinical research and clinical insights to product development. He is a specialist in newborn medicine with over 30 years of experience. Peter also leads medical research in the field of newborn lung disease with patented and commercialised medical devices.

Lachlann leads the core technology and software development activities. He is a biomedical engineer with experience in industrial automation and as a research engineer in neonatology with the University of Tasmania and Royal Hobart Hospital.
B.Eng (Hons)
Lachlann McLeod
Andrew leads the optimisation and streamlining of technology. He is an experienced biomedical and electronic engineer, with a background in control, sensor development and electronic design, and has experience integrating technologies into the hospital environment and workflows.
B.Sc-B.Eng. (Hons, 1st class)
Andrew Marshall

Tim leads our finance, business strategy and marketing development. Tim has a wealth of 'on the ground' experience in the startup world building his own tech startup as CEO (2013-2016 & backed by Artesian Capital) and taking the product to 4 territories. Systemisation, efficiency and agile management has seen him facilitate sustainable growth in all businesses he has run or managed.
Tim Hodgkinson